Anyone have a cry baby too?

Alexandra • Mom to Charlotte Amelia and Levi Patrick 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Married to my soulmate ❤️

Idk if this is a thing but I’ll just call my baby cry baby. I’ll explain it quick:

He’s 3 weeks old now.

He either needs his paci or a bottle/my nipple in his mouth or he will go crazy. The only time he’s quiet and satisfied for a little bit is when he has a full tummy or he’s asleep. Otherwise he’s grunting, complaining, and other sounds that don’t sound like he’s happy. Yes, he poops and pees like a champ. He eats at least every 2h up to 4-5oz (100-120ml) like non stop. He needs it or he’s gonna lose his shit. Then he poops or is milk drunk for however long his nap is. And then same thing again. Just so effin restless especially at night. No longer stretches of sleep than 2h. He wakes up every 2h for a bottle. He can’t just lay there and relax. He’s soooo wiggly and not chill at all 😖 only in the baby carrier he will fall asleep and as soon as I stop moving he wakes up again and is grumpy. Gosh, my first baby was the total opposite so it’s quite exhausting with him. Changing his diaper makes him cry, bathing him too, putting clothes on him etc you name it.

Give me some advice/ideas to make him more satisfied! He always has a full belly and is also throwing up/spitting up almost after every feed. Breastmilk and formula. Could be that he’s just one of those who do that, which is kinda normal but we’re running out of burp clothes!!

Rant over 🤫