
Oki so i’m 15 so I know I probably shouldn’t be trying all this stuff and shiz but lately i’ve been really experimenting a lot with masturbation. I mean it’s quarantine so it’s not like I have anything better to do and i’m a pretty curious person. I learned a lot of dirty stuff that most kids my age have already known for years, this year. So up until now, I was one of the most sexually innocent kids in my grade.

Okay anyways, I’m posting this anonymously cuz i’m embarrassed to ask this but how do you guys masturbate? Like in order to get yourself to orgasm? I’ve only been experimenting for a few weeks but it never seems to feel as good as I expect when I try to finger myself and I never got close to anything I think someone would consider an orgasm. do you do it?

Do you have any tips for me or ways that usually work for you? I know it’s a bit weird to ask but I really want to try this stuff. And idk if this is weird too but I think it’s fun to try this stuff and feel stuff i’ve never felt before. And it helps me de stress and I always end up feeling a bit better afterwards.

So uh..thanks if you read this. And thanks even more if you respond. I’m sorry if i’m being awkward and whatnot. Thanks again!