Bleeding from sex

Ok so recently, as in 2-3 days ago, I had sex with my boyfriend. And when it was over I noticed I had started bleeding at some point during, but never felt any pain. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind thinking “oh I must be on the verge of starting my period,” but then we had sex the next day and it happened again. Now I know I overreact to these things but under corona I’ve been more stressed and anxious as Ive ever been. I had a friend told me she had Chlamydia once and she knew because she would get infections a lot, I get yeast infections pretty often, I usually just thought it’s because my boyfriend was bad at being cleanliness and he had 3 dogs at the time. But now the bleeding and I also seem to have a UTI. I’m really hesitant to go to the doctor because of COVID-19. Is the yeast infection, UTI and bleeding all related or am I being over dramatic??

Thanks to anyone who helps me out!