Scariest Day of My Life!! It’s a long read; but might help other first time mommy’s in my position.....

I have spent the last few years trying to provide a baby for my husband and I. I was diagnosed with PCOS.

Fast forward to Jan 2019; we started fertility and caved to the fact that after 8 years...we couldn’t do it alone.

In February I found out I had a blocked tube, an overly thick lining and no eggs ready. After many medications; I shed my lining, cleared my tube, and started my fertility cocktail.

March was a disappointment, the medicine helped me ovulate, but it didn’t work.

April came, and with covid; we were told it wouldn’t be possible. But, my blood work came back and the Dr. was confident this would be my month!

In May; we found out our efforts were finally a SUCCESS!!! Everything seemed to be going well. I had a few sonograms and “Baby Gaga” as my husband has dubbed our littles nickname looked great!

Skip a few weeks into June and 3 days after a wonderful sonogram where I saw my very active little on a sonogram. Friday 6/19/2020 the darkest night of my life...

I was getting ready for bed. I had just gone to the bathroom and I felt something warm... i thought I’d peed myself, and went to check. I started to panic, as I realized that it was blood, the blood came rushing down my legs. At this point I was in hysterics, I called the Doctor, and explained the best I could what was happening.

**my dear husband and I had knocked boots just a few hours earlier**

I was told to monitor it; sex can make that happen. Try not to worry. All the things I couldn’t hear.

I thought it was the end, the start of a miscarriage...the blood wouldn’t stop. I called back 30 minutes later and ended up at the hospital at 11pm. 5 hours later, the bleeding had stopped and I was able to see my baby on a sonogram and was able to see it’s little heart still beating.

I was diagnosed with Sub Hematoma Hemorrhaging. I had a bruise on my lining and it was flushed from my system. Which also

means part of my baby’s placenta is now separated from the uterine lining. ((At least that’s what I’ve read))

I’ll be back at the office tomorrow morning. I pray my little is okay. And, that the rest of my pregnancy goes well. I’m told there is more in there, and that it may happen again. But, I don’t know if I can handle this again. I barely made it through Friday night.