Shout out to the Home Depot Cashier who told me I was rockin’ the belly and gave me the

Megan • TheCostaLiving
Shout out to the Home Depot Cashier who told me I was rockin’ the belly and gave me the confidence to really show it off 🤍 ⠀⠀ When I was pregnant with Luca, I got polyhydramnios around 28 weeks and I got asked all the time if I was SURE it wasn’t twins. ⠀⠀ Now that I have polyhydramnios AGAIN, my belly is looking “bigger” than it should and complete strangers are letting me know it. ⠀⠀ Can we all agree that commenting on the size of a woman’s pregnant belly or her apparent discomfort/exhaustion is doing nothing for the woman’s self esteem? ⠀⠀ So often a comment like this (usually with good intentions) isn’t necessarily rude... but it also doesn’t FEEL good. ⠀⠀ So the next time you see a pregnant mama, tell her she’s a goddess, a rockstar or even a bad ass! I promise you’ll get a genuine smile and make her day! ⠀⠀ Check out my latest blog post (link in bio) for more about this topic 🤍