“I can’t do anything right for you”

I’ve been with my boyfriend for two years. He’s never been one to accept responsibly and apologise for his mistakes or try to communicate about anything without automatically assuming it’s an argument and getting defensive, though he had been working on it. Recently in the last 3 or so months whenever he does anything wrong he becomes very manipulative, for example, if he is nasty or he does something like even a small silly thing such as using the last of the washing powder and leaving the empty box he gets so pissed off whenever I ask him to put the box in the bin and will say things like “I can’t do anything right by you can I”. Another example would be when he went to his parents house during the lockdown period (I am pregnant and high risk so we were trying to self isolate) and I asked him not to and to try stick to phone calls or wait for nicer weather to sit in their garden (it had only been 3 weeks at this point and he usually sees his folks once every 4-5 months this was just him being awkward) he would go anyway, come home and start with “sorry I’m just not good enough” “sorry I’m a bad person” etc or if he done anything to upset me he would never say sorry for it he would just say “sorry I’m a bad person” “sorry im not good for you” “sorry you had to meet me”, I’ve tried to tell him that its extremely manipulative and he should just take responsibility for his mistakes and apologise instead of guilt tripping me into feeling bad so that his ego feels better but whenever I do he gets angry rolls his eyes and says “oh here we go again, nothings ever good enough is it?” And strops off. I’m demented with it. I’m 19 weeks pregnant now and absolutely done in with how hes behaving, nothing is ever his fault. No matter what. He could hit me with his car and still somehow blame me I swear to god. Has anyone been in a relationship with someone like this? I can’t talk to him because as soon as I try to sit down and communicate which I always explain and say I’m not fighting I’m just wanting to talk he automatically gets defensive and nasty I’ve tried on so many occasions it’s not good to be so stressed out. I’m considering leaving him at this point and co-parenting because I don’t know how much longer I can deal with it.