Socializing our babies


How are you guys socializing your babies with other kids their age? And with the pandemic going on, safely?

Background, I stay at home with June baby and her 2 1/2 year old brother. We have cousins close in age to him, along with close friends. My June baby does not. She’s played with a baby her age once. And by her age I mean within a 3 month range older and younger. Before Covid we we’re going to Ecfe (a early child hood class) along with an indoor gym weekly to get the kids out and around other kids. Obvs we don’t do any of that anymore, and we barely interact with cousins/friends. A brother sister dynamic is different than that with other kids. And anytime we’ve seen cousins, both kids are just different kids. They’re so happy! I know this is unprecedented times, and we’re all in this together, but I kind of worry about them not really knowing how to interact with other kids. With my toddler, I really tried to start getting him to socialize more around this age and I think that’s why I’m starting to be concerned about it.

We have my June baby’s 1 year appointment today and. I plan on discussing this with her doctor. But I thought I’d see what you all are doing/thinking??