I have never been so confused and hurt.

My fiancé and I have been engaged since January of 2018. Been together 6 yrs. I found my dream wedding gown online a couple of months ago! I told him about it and he said go ahead and order it baby, so I did. He’s telling me now that we need to work on our relationship before we get married, even though we had a date set and out a down payment on our venue. I saved for that wedding dress with my own money and he out the down payment down on the venue. All of a sudden he’s telling me this. We have things we need to work on but never in a million years would I have thought he’d do this to me. He said he’s very happy and loves me but we need to work on our relationship. He won’t elaborate and every time I bring it up, he thinks I’m trying to fight with him. I hate what he is doing to me. 😭😭😭