Pornography- is it good or bad??

Maryn • hello! im an old time eve user i love the community lets be mutuals 🤍

Hello ladies!

As we all know many woman around the world participate in masturbation, i believe it to be natural and normal. But when it comes to having a little more help is pornography the best way to go?? 🤔

My family is pretty big in size and I have brothers who my mom doesn’t find anything wrong with them masturbating but she does however, have an issue with them watching pornography. She says that it is an unrealistic point of view when it comes to having anything sexual, and it portrays women as a “piece of meat.”

although, For the ladies it can help us explore new things to with our partner or even ourselves it’s also important to point out the downsides of watching porn because it can lead to insecurity’s and doubt about ourselves;

I believe that if you understand the that pornography isn’t really a realistic and reliable guide when trying to peruse any REAL sexual and real

relationship other then that I think you should be fine.

Any thoughts ? Opinions ? 🤔