Soo Idk what to do with my husband ...

Lisa • Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

Ugh so I'm just at a loss right now. Please tell me if I'm just crazy, cause I feel like that's what my husband thinks. So my husband has 3 other kids from previous marriages.. 2 ex wives ... so I knew what I was signing up for ... and he loves children, but Im also starting to feel like maybe he's not such a great parent🤷‍♀️😒. I don't even know how to explain this. He loves all the kids and would jump infront of a bullet for them, he'll wash and change the baby and play with her, and I love all that about him, but then he also goes out to party and acts like a child and the older kids have to look out for and take care of him, he has a super short fuse and gets mad at the drop of a hat, so for example last night him and a friend had taken a bunch of steaks out and had planned to cook dinner for fathers day, then left without saying anything around 6pm went to a bar got extremely drunk came back passed out on the bed and no one ate dinner. I was pissed, but I kept my mouth shut cause if I tell him how I feel he gets mad at me for being mad. So this morning I had to take off for work, he has the day off and said he'd watch the baby. So I go to leave say bye to the baby and she starts crying. So he gets pissed at me and says I should have just left cause now he won't be able to get her to take a nap. So now Im driving to work feeling defeated, he got drunk and passed out but he's going to get mad at me for saying bye to my baby? I feel like I was totally in the right to do so, and instead I feel mom shamed. And to top it off our brother in law is trying to say its because I'm breastfeeding and I need to stop cause it'll ruin my relationship. Im just blown away by that. So I'm trying to not stress about him watching her, only to find out she completely skipped a meal already cause she was fussy so he put her to sleep instead of feed her, when I had already let him know her schedule of when she typically eats and sleeps. So Im trying to not stress but I'm also texting him to make sure everything is ok, so he just stops answering. So he thinks Im over protective and controlling and crazy, and idk I guess if you hear it enough you start to believe it but I don't feel like Im the one in the wrong. I dunno you guys, my husband is the love of my life but I truly saw our life together with this baby being alot different then it is. He gets inpatient when she gets fussy, and says I entertain her too much. I pretty much am always talking and playing and singing with her, and he doesn't do that when he watches her so she gets bored and fussy. I'm a first time mom and it just seems natural to do that with her all day but he makes me feel like Im doing something wrong. He says he's raised 3 kids so I shouldn't question his parenting but it's hard not to when I see things that worry me. I just don't know what to do