Early induction


I’m high risk and I always knew we would be inducing around 38-39 weeks but we found out baby is growing much too fast because of my gestational diabetes. So dr is planning on inducing at 37 weeks unless he’s close to 9 lbs by then. Then I’ll have to have a csection which we really are hoping not because of how badly I heal because of my health issues. So now baby will either be here the last week of July or the first week of August. (Which is dangerously close to my birthday on the 3rd lol) instead of the 21st he was supposed to be here on. :) is anyone else having to be induced early? We have a lot of august birthdays but most are in the beginning of august so I’m worried he’s gonna share a birthday with someone else lol my dad and grandmother shared one. :)

I’ll share a pic of my Chubby boy lol this is from 27 weeks. I’m 31+3.