Omg 😭 *UPDATE*


This is so terrifying...a toddler was just kidnapped at a grocery store in my city. Someone I have many mutual friends with saw it happen! A white male grabbed a mixed toddler, threw him in his trunk and sped off. I'm in shock. He got the license plate number so I hope they catch the sick bastard. Ugh how scary 😭😭 I pray to God that baby is safe.


So I stayed up until midnight last night watching for updates. The guy that saw it happen called the cops and the grocery store to make sure they review the store footage to see him throwing the baby into the back of the SUV with the groceries. He said he was standing in the parking lot on his phone and the guy rushed past him with the baby in his cart, threw her in the back of the SUV (the trunk part) with no carseat and took off like a crazy person, which is why he figured she was kidnapped.

The police tracked his license plate to his address and when they first got there he claimed there was no child. They went back again and the guy let them inside and the child was playing and the man claimed to be her Dad. (I guess the guy was an older, creepy white male and the baby was mixed). They can't do anything until they can review the footage at the store to see if he really did just throw her in the back of the SUV and then they can get him for child endangerment.

The whole thing still seems really unsettling to me. Why was he driving like a crazy person and running away from the store? Why did he throw her in the back of the SUV with the groceries? Why was she awake playing at almost midnight and not in bed? I hope they continue to follow up on this child. :(