Relationship problems


Okay so I dated this awesome guy for almost 7 months but we talked like we were dating so I'd say it was 7 months our relationship was really good at first it was awesome but he had so many friends that are girls and I didn't like that but never told him but he disapproved of all my friends and would get mad when I would hangout with them but I understand now its because he had bad past relationships. Here's my problem though I felt like I would get judged if I talked about how I felt about stuff so I never did and it was hell for our relationship because i would tell him half truths so he wouldn't get mad and it wasn't his fault he never did anything to not have my trust but is there a way I can get over something like those trust issues? I ended the relationship back in the beginning of may and I wanna try to get back with him but make sure I know how to deal with my problems... please help I really love him and wish I could change what I did