Here for support 🥺

Hi ladies. Glow is pretty much the only sounding board I have as all my friends are really busy and trying to talk about TTC with them leaves me quite lonely as they have loads going on with their own kids etc. Anyway, I usually have between 23-27 day cycle and often spot days before I get my period. Absolutely nothing this month, no sore boobs, no spotting. I know every cycle can be different, but that didn’t stop me testing from 8dpo- obviously negative. VVVVVVF line on 9dpo which we now think was an evap. Negative today, 10dpo. Listen... I NEVER test! Like ever, even when we’ve been trying for 11 cycles! Dunno what’s come over me 😂 anyway, I just needed that chat to put it into words. I know I’m not out quite yet...