OMG ... Didn’t know choosing godparents would cause such drama

So my husband and I choose the godparents of our baby. They are my husband’s cousins we get along great with them and go on vacation and go camping with them. They are a wonderful couple and know that they will be great role models for our child...

Well when my husband’s sister found out that she wasn’t picked she went totally crazy! Meanwhile we’re both Catholic and his sister and her husband are both Methodist which means they can’t be godparents to a Catholic according to cannon law. So we would have to pick a Catholic + his sister. But to make a long story short. This 40 year old woman found out that she wasn’t going to be a godparent and the you know what hit the fan! Her exact words were “that's it, we aren't going to be a part of that baby's life because they are the godparents". This woman is going to always be the only aunt I have no siblings. My husband is her son’s godfather and her son doesn’t really acknowledge the fact that his uncle is also his godfather. Because he sees him as his uncle. We wanted aunt and uncle separate from godparent so that our child would know that importance of both.

Any way because of all of this my husband’s sister has gone completely out of her mind telling the godmother that she’s breaking up the family and telling her that if she hadn’t accepted my husband’s sister would have been asked. She’s also been harassing my husband. BUT surprisingly not me. However I was blocked on social all media. The woman is not playing with a full deck! And should be ashamed of her self. I feel sorry for her and her kids! What is she teaching them?

Some background on the sister-in-law:

She didn’t want her brother to marry me.

She didn’t want us to buy our house

She had a problem with us spending our first Christmas at our own house.

Just everything we do she has a problem with. And it causes problems between her and my husband and I will be damned if I let someone like that be the godmother of my child! She’s not a good person!