***vulnerable post*** from a sahm


Today I am feeling...

Lonely- I have a friend snap chatting me going for a walk with our other friend and their dogs.. but I’m home with my son. My brother in laws gf and my MIL are trying to find a time the 3 of us can go biking together...I clearly don’t have the loads of free time they do, so I felt dumb and limited when I replied “evening times for me, when (husband) gets home from work”- no response. My mom and brother are doing something today, when I asked if they wanted to come over today, because I could tell I was going to have mixed emotions today.

Guilty- for feeling lonely when I have my son to take care of. Shouldn’t I be happy and feeling accomplished taking care of him?

Overwhelmed- the amount of laundry and chores I have to do seems unbearable today, especially with a 9 month old baby who is off of routine today AND teething with 3 incoming teeth AND wants to be on the move allll daaaay.

I’m not sharing this to get pity or anything. I guess I’m sharing so if YOU are reading this and thinking “wow. I could have wrote this myself!” I hear you and I feel you. I’m going to try to take it hour by hour today.
