Random question on what would you do


So I grew up in a crap environment having 6 siblings and lets just say I have a sibling now reaching out to me on some things. We have a number of times had state involvement even but nothing changes. The issue at hand is my mom is a compulsive hoarder beyond reason and then goes telling everyone it's the kids fault the home is a pigs nest and the kids are also being forced to clean it as its so saif their fault.... mind you I talk to my one sibling daily to make sure she's doing OK as she has depression that no one has allowed her to get help even as shes pointed it out that she needs something done for it as i also have depression and am now a mom myself too.... but with all this what would any of you guys suggest doing as this isn't fair the yelling at the ones whom are home to clean till 4 in the morning and be up by 6 is wrong and my one sibling is dead exhausted. I can't stand to see another call with her in tears not knowing what to so as shes exhausted stressed and add the depressed part.... if any of you ladies have been near this situation and can give some advice id love that as im not sure how else to help at this point and knowing I was in that same boat too myself its hard seeing the cycle go on!!!