Depression/ Anxiety. You are Not Alone

Bridget • Amelia's Mom 💕

I have seen posts and heard from other moms. I just want you guys to know I may post cute pictures of Amelia and seem very happy. Most days I am, but then it will hit me and I will just want to cry. I will feel bad about myself, I will feel like I'm a bad mom, not a good enough spouse, and etc.

I ignored my anxiety for a long time till the point I had aching chest pains and my daily life was getting affected more then normal.

Part of my problem is my endometriosis is painful! My periods are so unbearable! I can't move for the first two days. I think this strikes my depression/anxiety because I don't feel like myself. I then get overwhelmed with daily task with Amelia because I'm in so much pain. I have had panic attacks, I have had breakdowns, I have yelled and cried. I'm far from perfect and I just want you to know you are not alone!!! I'm also on medication and some days can still be hard!! I'm always here to talk if anyone needs someone to listen!!

P.S -in this photo I am so happy but not even 8 hours later I had a panic attack at a family event. We all have problems but some of us hide it better than others. BUT know you aren't alone.