Having hope


So my fiance and I have been ttc for baby #1 for 5 months and I just went to see my obgyn yesterday and the appointment was wonderful. My dr is amazing and gave me hope that I was losing. Got my pap and she told me everything looks good and no breast cancer to be worried about which I was since my left breast gets very sore and my right isnt as bad. She told me that I would come back in 2-3 months for another pap and hopefully by then i would be pregnant. I told her how I take premama drink mix and a prenatal vitamin everyday. I am at a healthy weight and I ovulate on my own and my periods are regular. She told me I'm well educated on this topic which made me happy and that if I do not become pregnant within the 2-3 months we can go from there and schedule an hsg appointment. My fiance is 14 years older then me...hes going on 42 in july and I just turned 28 so his age can play a factor but I figure I'll cross that bridge when I need to. He is also on premama drink mix for men. I am just relieved that I had a great appointment. I thought it would be bad.