Frustrated- Calorie intake & breastfeeding


I have always had issues with eating. Typically It’s a binge eating situation, where I don’t want to eat anything for days and then will finally find something that sounds good and I’ll eat a ton.

When I got pregnant with my son I tried to be good about eating at least 2 meals a day plus snacks and it was the hardest part of my pregnancy. I always felt full and nothing appealed to me, even my favorite foods and snacks. I’d literally cry feeling like I wasn’t eating enough for my baby.

Once I gave birth I ate everything I could for the first two weeks and was consistently hungry. But now I am 6 weeks PP and finding it so hard to eat anything at all. I haven’t had a full meal in 3 days and cannot even force myself to eat cause I’ll get food in front of me and just want to cry cause I don’t want it. My milk supply is suffering because of it now and I feel like such a bad mom.

I am still making enough for him to eat but I don’t have the extra milk to pump and store like I usually do. And it worries me that I won’t produce enough for him as he continues to grow. I have 80+ oz in the freezer should I need it before having to give him formula but I liked seeing that I was able to feed him and have extras for an emergency?

Has anyone else had this issue? What do you do to make yourself eat?