Am I exaggerating???


sorry if i posted in the wrong group. What do y’all think about allowing your kids to eat/drink on the couch or living room? I have two boys and I have always told them that they cannot eat or drink on the couch. They are to eat/drink at the kitchen table. My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship and when we have her for the weekend she eats and drinks on the couch because this is what they do at her mom’s house. Now my kids want to do the same thing and don’t think it’s fair. I spoke with my husband about talking to his daughter about eating/drinking at the kitchen table only and he said no because she’s considered a “visitor” and we can’t tell visitors what to do. I got frustrated and i’m also wondering if i’m the one exaggerating. I’m just so tired of cleaning every single day, cooking every day, and taking care of the kids 24/7 with no help. I don’t want to be a mean mom but I also wish my husband would be more understandable. 😢

UPDATE: I went to bed last night and they stayed up watching a movie. I woke up this morning and part of the couch and floor were all sticky. My husband had left for work already so i asked the kids if they spilled something last night and they said dad told them they could drink coke on the couch at 10PM 😡 and they accidentally dropped a cup 😡 Apparently my husband thinks i’m stupid and doesn’t give a shit about a thing I say. Sorry ladies I just needed to vent!