it’s long.. sorry

i just wanna vent, so after i been used for money, sex and everything else from past relationships... i started just focusing on my self, getting back in college and working 2 jobs. im only 20 but i honestly think i found the one. yes i know no relationship is perfect. we have our disagreements here and there but we are around each other all day everyday.. we both have the same work schedule and both work for the same company.. we only been together 6 almost 7 months. and i just feel like he’s the one, they say “when your not looking the right one will come” .. the little things matter, he comes home with roses, calls and checks make sure i got to work (work at night but we work at different houses for a sitting company), i never had somebody care about me soo much like he does.. we think alike and everything. and we are also moving into our first apartment together in 4 days and im really excited about it.. do you ever get a feeling like this is the right person, i can’t let them go? that’s how i feel. we always talking about our future together, how when i finish school we are going to move outta the state(tennessee) and get married and start a family. i want all of that with him.. i been in abusive relationships and that really messed me up at a young age, and he helps me get through that everyday.. bc he been through the same stuff.. im so happy, i gained alot of weight (happy weight) and all of my family likes him, even my dad which is really a big deal for me.. ( my dad doesn’t like anybody )