Loving an addict

I’m feeling really lost right now and just was wondering if anyone has any experience with being in a relationship with an addict. My husband had never used drugs when we met, but after his mom died almost two years ago he kinda spiraled out of control. He started using meth and things became bad. Eventually he was able to quit and things seemed to be going back to the way they were before. Everything was fine until he started using again recently. Now it’s like he will stop for weeks at a time but then just randomly start again. When he’s using you can’t say anything to him without him getting angry. Like even asking him where he was when he leaves makes him angry. Or if I ask him if he wants to go to the store with me it’s like the biggest issue. Basically I’ve just started to leave him alone and worry about my responsibilities. I know I won’t be able to make him quit, he has to be the one to do it. But when I go to bed I wake up to notes written by him telling me he wants help and asking for me to help him. I’ve always told him I’d do whatever he needs and support him, but when I try he just gets mad and says mean hurtful things. When I try to have a conversation with him he doesn’t listen to anything I say and when I ask him for an answer he will just tell me I have an attitude and to stop talking to him. So I will and then he will tell me I’m giving up on him and I just need to be easier on him. Having been though this so many times I just want to give up having to deal with it all over again. When he gets mad he tells me he uses because of me, but then will say that it’s not true. I just don’t understand how he can stop for weeks sometimes months and then just start back up. But then the whole time keep telling me he doesn’t want to do it. I know addiction is a hard thing to deal with, but I just feel like our marriage is going to end because of it. Is there any hope? I deal with all this alone and just wondered if anyone has any advice?