Some humor for your day 😅

So, earlier today I was bored and sent my husband vagina pictures. 🤭

Well, on his way home from work he found a pretty decent tool bag with tools in it. I posted it online in hopes to find the owner so we could return it.

A woman messages me asking me about the tools. She had me look around for initials, dates, etc to try to claim the tools. We finally agreed they weren’t hers.

Then she sends me this message.

When I tell you my heart sank.. IT SANK!

I’m all over the place at this point. Checking Facebook to make sure I didn’t post vagina pictures on there accidentally, going back into our messages, and checking other messages.

It’s hot. I can’t breathe. What the fuck just happened? She seen my vagina. I’m never going to live this down. How did I let this happen? I leave her on read. I can’t handle this right now.

Then she sends me this.

Guys.... HOW!!! The timing of when/where my vagina pictures were and the message she sent. This coincidence made me laugh WAY to fucking hard. I was choking. How?

This made my night.