Should I block my guy friend?

I have a guy friend who is very adamant he wants to have sex with me. We dated for like a month about 3 years ago and we never slept together so he is always talking about how he wants to. I told him today I do not want to have sex. I don’t feel like having sex with anyone, I don’t know if It’s because of my depression but the last time I had sex was in January and I didn’t even want to do it, it was a Tinder hookup with a stranger and I felt bad about myself after so I said you know I’m just not going to have sex anymore. I might be celibate for a while, who knows. But anyway, we get in arguments all the time, I just do not like his energy. He always pokes fun at me or has to be negative. He has a very joking personality and I’m very sensitive and take things to heart so we’re not compatible whatsoever. I asked him if he wants to hang out with me like watch a movie or something but he says he can’t because he’ll be too turned on being around me. And no I’m not kidding he literally said this. It just seems like he has no interest in me unless it’s sexual. It was the same way when we were dating too but I figured he had changed over the years. Should I just block him and move on? He puts me in such a negative mindset.