Rant! I'm upset lol

Taylor • Married❤️24❤️3 boys❤️#4 in 2022

So my doctor scheduled me another ultrasound for today. I'm 39weeks and 2days.(due June 29th). I went in and she tells me I might be due July 6th/7th and then she changed it to the 13th🤬😠 oh heck no that can't be right. My doctor said the 29th of June so that's what it is lol I'm so over being pregnant. Then I asked how much does he weigh now? She told me he's already about 7pounds and 4oz. NO! GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME NOW🤣 I can't push a 10pounder out. My first was 7pounds 2.8oz. my second was 8pounds even. Please Lord help me lol. What should I do besides calling my doctor to confirm this and cursing him out for getting my hopes up(just kidding) rant over