Calm down and ask professionals

So I’ve scrambled across many posts that were along the lines of “is this cancer?” Or “do I have cancer?”

I just wanted to make some people realize what a serious question this is. This question may not only lead you to false replies that may increase your stress about the whole situation and make things worse, but it can also harm other people that may have thought they were fine but realize they may have it too, or even people that do have it and are unnecessarily reminded of it through your post. If you suspect you have something wrong on you, go seek for professional help immediately. People here can’t diagnose you just by looking at it. It has to be touched, scans have to be made, biopsies etc. And never believe what you read on the internet, especially regarding your health. Doctors are the most experienced people that can detect what it is in zero time.

You may have a tumor. Tumors are not always bad. Many, if not most of them, are harmless and you can just go have them removed and live your life as normal. Never jump to conclusions that may stress yourself and other people up.

That’s all I wanted to say. Hope I didn’t offend anyone. Best of health to everyone! Stay safe❤️