Mixed couple 💞

Hey guys, so me and the bf are a mixed couple ( I’m white, he’s black), I fell in love with him the first time he ever talked to me, and from there he showed me happiness, he showed me sadness and he showed me how to appreciate the little things. this man showed me what it meant to love myself, and to love someone else with certainty. He is it for me.

Recently we have been getting looks, people talk about us like we can’t hear them, and we try not to pay attention. However just today, we were walking to the store, and I noticed a policeman behind us, he pulled so close I could see him, and followed us at 5mph creeping with his car. My boyfriend didn’t pay attention. But I did, and made sure his eyes were on us when He followed us for 10 minutes. I got tired of it so I grabbed my boyfriends hand for reassurance. The policeman drove off after I grabbed his hand.

Because of this I realized I shouldn’t have brushed it off. I realize now that racism and discrimination can be directed to anyone, and it pissed me off, how privileged I was, because that officer was not looking at me, but at the wonderful man who wouldn’t hurt a fly beside me. And that’s sad. It should be possible to walk down the street with the love of your life, and not get followed, or checked. It should be normal now that mixed couples are a thing, and we should be able to go to the store, to walk to the park, to raise our family in peace. Its 2020, thus needs to stop. Thank you all for listening to my rant, it just made me so angry and sad.