Daycare frustrations

We started daycare about a month ago. We have been encountering some issues and just need feedback trying to navigate as this is all new to us. I also know I need to manage my expectations. They use an app and track diaper changes, naps, and feeds. They share pictures but don’t share much else on the app. The staff do not have enthusiasm to be there or to get to know my son. There is little communication at drop off and pick up. We found out that they are not following his nap time routine and for the most part are not putting him down in his crib. He is sent home with a full diaper most days with no offer to change him when we arrive. They keep saying he needs to be fed more which is not our experience at home. It does not appear that they interact much with the kids and the kids are often sitting in swings etc. I could go on and on. We have tried offering feedback and only some of it has been well received or followed. Is what we are dealing with pretty typical? What is the best way to address our concerns?