Birth story!

Dirty Hippie

Around 6:30pm on 6/24/2020 i was leaving the house to pick up my man from work. My toddler was super crabby and refused to walk to the car. So I picked him up. Then tripped and fell down the 3 steps into our grass. I felt a big pop and my water leaked everywhere. There was sooo much. I got cleaned up. Loaded up the car. Picked up my man and took my son to my mom. Then we headed to the hospital. They got me admitted and checked in. Around 8pm I was dialted to 5cm and decided to skip the epidural because i felt fine. By 9pm i was already at 7cm. By 11pm i really started to feel the contractions and i felt like i needed to push but i was only at 8-8.5cm and my doctor wasn't here yet. I sat completely straight up and i felt his head drop sooo low. The nurses kept telling me i wasnt ready yet. I stuck my hand down there and felt his head! I told the nurse i think im crowning. Her eyes got so wide and she told me to hang on. This baby was not holding on lol. All it took was 1 big push and Abel Kiedis Allen came into this world at 38+3 weeks

7 lbs 6 oz. 19 1/4 inches at 11:53pm