Our rainbow...

Cayla • | Owen Luke 11.10.16 | Ariah Laine 2.4.21 | Two Angel Babies 11.3.19 & 3.10.20 | Kona 1.17.16 |

Two days ago I had my first ultrasound and there was so many mixed emotions, scared, excited and nervous. I was so scared that we wouldn’t see anything again, I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum in March. Once the ultrasound technician said there’s the embryo and yolk sac I couldn’t help but smile. We are finally having our rainbow after 2 losses. Baby had a strong heartbeat of 124BPM and is measuring at 6 weeks 2 days (I was 6 weeks 5 days). I’m so thankful that everything looks good. God is good! ❤️