Random cramps? Please advise

First week of june i got a faint blue dyed positive

The second week i got brown rusted discharge (which ive never experienced) and had what looked like a period for about 4-5 days. Only a few days seemed somewhat heavy but i didnt really have to change my pads much. Also i didnt have my normal crippling cramps

I was confused and read i should wait a week after bleeding to retest but instead i was impatient and tested last day before bleeding ended and it was negative so i figured the first test was wrong because of blue dye

1-2 weeks have passed and Ive been having random sharp painful cramps which ive never had during no period. They come and go. One of the cramps felt very painful and strange like electric but it went away almost as fast as it came.

Should i bother testing again or are these random cramps somewhat normal? Ive never had random cramps and i also thought it was strange i didnt have cramps during my cycle and the brown discharge threw me off too.

I was pretty set in thinking my negative was true but the more i think of these random cramps I wonder whats going on? Having a negative after a faint positive kind of broke my heart so i dont want to test again if theres really no possibility it could be + 😔