Toddler bed

Boo • 💍 08/22/16 👧🏻 09/18/18 👦🏻12/26/19 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Anyone else made the switch yet? We just did tonight. My daughters super tall for her age and now has bruised herself right trying to climb out once so we were kinda forced to do it.

Makes a rough night for both mama and her 😞


First night was awful. She was up for 3 hours before finally crashing. Second night wasn’t bad it took her an hour before falling asleep but she didn’t need me as much during the first night. But she did wake up about 3 hours later and had a hard time getting herself back down.

Today at nap time she fell out of her bed. She didn’t even seem phased. I heard a bang and checked her monitor and she had fallen out and she just turned her head and continued to lay on the floor for a minute before getting up and going back into her bed. Hoping night 3 will go even better 😊