Ear piercing for three week old!?


So my husband is from Sri Lanka, and I’m England. We have been together for 10 years, and although there have been a few cultural differences to deal with over the years we have always been respectful to one and other and come to a mutual decision.

As soon as we found out we were having a girl this time I knew my MIL and other family members would assume we would be piercing her ears, luckily my husband and I had already discussed the fact I wasn’t comfortable with it, he wasn’t bothered either way and said he’d go along with what I wanted.

However, yesterday my husband told me his mum was at the jewellery store getting my daughter her traditional jewellery, a necklace and some bangles. I said to my husband, you’re mum isn’t getting earrings right? Because I wanted to make sure she didn’t waste her money, it’s all 24 carat gold so it’s expensive. Hubby was agitated and said he didn’t know, and I said well we already discussed we don’t want her ears pierced so you’d better let her know, he then started getting super annoyed at me and saying it was a cultural thing, like I was being disrespectful, I didn’t rise to the anger as I didn’t want to get into an argument about it. I asked my husband what the cultural meaning behind it was, as I honestly didn’t know and didn’t want to be disrespectful... he said he didn’t know but it was his culture... I was kind of annoyed tbh, we had discussed this between us, and he said he wasn’t bothered and now he was changing his mind!? I said I wanted to wait until she was older and could decide for herself if she wanted it done, and could take care of it properly. DD has tiny and very thin ear lobes, so I’m worried about them getting hooked and ripping, I’d always be worried... also when I got mine done it was a special day with my mum, we got lunch after, I felt really grown up and I want to have that special day with my DD too.

Am I being unreasonable by saying no?