First FET 6/24


Hi everyone! A little background... I’m 41 (AMH 1.96) and my husband has Y chromosome microdeletion and basically has zero sperm. By some grace the day before my retrieval he went in for his TESE surgery and before the surgery he did a SA and they were able to collect enough (first time ever in 4 years and countless SA)! So his surgery got cancelled and I went in next day for retrieval 2/14/20. I was a slow responder to STIMS but had 11 follicles and 6 were retrieved. 4 were fertilized but only 1 made it to blastocyst, a B5BC. That was horrible news losing 3. Then covid happened so we were just able to get back this month to our schedule. Wednesday 6/24 was my transfer and 7/6 is my blood test.

I want to be so excited and happy but at the same time I’m so nervous to get my hopes up. How did you all manage this during your wait?...Did you stay neutral or did you let yourself get excited? It’s so hard because I want to be positive but I am so scared to see the pain this could also cause us.