No Day 5 Blastocysts?


Hi ladies! First of all, I’ve really enjoyed being a part of this group. It’s nice to have an encouraging place to chat, although up to this point I’ve mostly just been following along with all your stories.

Now, my reason for posting! For some context... this is our first time doing <a href="">IVF</a>, I’m 31 and my husband is 27, we did ICSI for male factor, and my stims were pretty unremarkable other than switching to a Lupron trigger due to high OHSS risk. My egg retrieval was this past Monday and we got 22 eggs. I got a call the next day that 15 had fertilized and was feeling really good. Then today we had our day 5 update (no updates in between) - the embryologist said they’re still watching all 15, but that no blastocysts have formed yet. So now I’m worried... I felt like we started out so great and now 🤷🏼‍♀️ the clinic said they’ll call back tomorrow with a day 6 update. I was kind of caught off guard and didn’t think to ask any further questions 🤦🏼‍♀️ Am I freaking out for no reason? Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did it turn out/how’s it going? Or does anyone know anything I should be asking when they call tomorrow?

I appreciate your positive thoughts, prayers, wisdom, whatever you’ve got! And best of luck to all of you! ❤️