Surprise Gender Birth Story


I have not posted since I found out my C-Section Date ... so here is my birth story for these two...

As you all may recall ... I had a little scare of pre-term labor at 31 weeks . Baby A was footling breech & a funneling cervix; mixed with contractions ...

Both babies stayed in their positions & a few short weeks later we got the date for our scheduled C-Section. Keep in mind, I’ve never had a single surgery in my life & I was super scared to go through with it .

May 22nd, I sat on a very small operating table. (Maybe I was just wide 😂) As the anesthesiologist is putting in my spinal, the resident doctor & my designated nurse are asking me what I think my “surprise” genders will be . I had been telling everyone all day ... “I’m having two more boys . I have two boys at home & inevitably... it’ll be two boys. I have tons of boy clothes so we are set.”

I lay down, becoming numb everywhere. My doctor starts & I hear my nurse ask if she can grab dad . Yeah... they almost left my fiancé out in the lobby & he almost missed the whole birth ..

I hear my doctor say .. “uterine... “ a short minute later .. “baby” ... some pressure, baby cries & she says “1st Baby is out & it’s a girl !”

I am : 😭😭😭 “no way “ I’m absolutely bawling . They bring her to the side , a beautiful tiny baby , head full of hair , crying . It felt like seconds later ... more pressure .. doctor says “2nd baby out ... & it’s another girl !!”

If it is possible but I cried harder , saying “omg you are kidding me “ i never knew those two sentences would change our entire lives . 💓💓

Azalea Blu (left) born at 18 inches, 5# 1 oz & Magnolia Maizee (right) born at 18.5 inches, 5# 3oz

We were extremely lucky to not have any NICU time & were sent home within three days !! Both girls are now 5 weeks old & breastfed .

We are so blessed💓

Azalea (left) Magnolia (right)