OPK Question

Hey all!

My husband and I have been TTC for a couple of months now with no BFP yet. For this cycle, I was trying to be better about not testing early but here I am. I’ve been having some odd symptoms the last week (I know it’s near impossible to feel any symptoms this early) but either way, I’ve felt “different.” I’ve been having headaches, right side abdominal cramping, low back pain, increased appetite, and sore, full-feeling breasts.

Anyways, I am between 7 and 8 DPO and decided to take a cheap dollar store test tonight(🤦🏼‍♀️). I know these need quite a bit of HCG to show a positive but I did it anyway. I did it in the evening not with fmu (dumb, I know.) I also took an ovulation test because I was doing some research and read that if you are pregnant, you may get a fairly dark test line on OPK. Is this true? Mine wasn’t positive, but it was significantly darker than it was when I stopped testing around CD17. I’m on CD23 now. Please don’t be harsh with comments, I’m just curious!