False alarm water breaking?!

I’m 39+3 today. Last night I was woken up by a large fish of liquid that I thought was my water breaking. My underwear were soaked and my water broke before labor with my first so I really just thought that was it. I called the doc and they sent me to the hospital. After a bunch of testing, including a pelvic exam and putting the results under a microscope, it was determined that it wasn’t actually my water but a very large amount of discharge. I was having very slight contractions about 7 minutes apart, but I’ve been having sporadic contractions for a few weeks now. I also experienced a bit of bleeding, which the doctor assured me was not something to be concerned about at this point. I have been home for a few hours and still having discharge and small bits of bleeding here and there, which they did say would happen as a result of the pelvic exam.

I’m really curious If anyone has had a similar experience?