needing to vent

im sorry I don't know if this the place for this but I need someone who understands me 🥺

im trying to have another child with my fiance and we are in a super super sticky place. We live with his mom atm until we find a good place for a 4 year old and a newborn. The house we live in has been stressing me out and I know im not supposed to stress while ttc but it's impossible I can't go 24/hrs without stressing because my fiance and his family always seem to find something to argue about. Me and him both work 2 jobs so my daughter stays with his mom while we work his mom is constantly demanding stuff and yelling at us for no reason as soon as we step foot in the house we are struggling with money and food constantly we save money but it just dissappears and my fiance always overdrafts for some reason I just wanna break down and cry I only have 1 day off and my fiance works all week without a break hes tired and im tired is it such a crime to just wanna come home to a relaxing time at home without a fight breaking out? and actually my fiance works 3 jobs 1 where he cares for his brother with a disability and works for his mom basically so all his notes and money is for his mom he had a paycheck of $1045 and he gave all of it to his mom she claims she's trying to help us and allow us to save money but doesn't allow us to keep a bit of money from his checks. she's always asking us to pay for things and told him that she'll watch my daughter while we work and won't ask for any money. I'm so over it all we are trying to get a place but when we plan to get a place something happens to where we are just broke again. I dont know what to do and I can't tell my fiance anything because he always defends his family and mom. I've already had 2 miscarriages because of the high amount if stress I get put under i am absolutely lost and I have noone to help me all my family lives out of state all i have of my blood is my daughter 😭 and she's only 4 I try to be strong for her but somehow I just become broken again