I came to a pretty sad realization

Long story short my friends kinda suck

I didn’t realize until today that I’ve never been in a group of ppl who liked me and where nice to me the entire time we hung out.

That group was literally two guys my friend and I met on the highway and went to a prty w that night with their friends. They all were talking and including me. I did feel bad for my friend cuz she was for the first time ever being shy and not being flirty or anything. But it was a crazy change that I’ve never experienced in my 19 years and that just got me crying.

My friends always shit on me in a “joking” way but they know it bugs me.

Yet I’m the one they all come to with their problems cuz I have good advice or will just not judge them. But they don’t do the same for me. They don’t help me, they’ll notice I’m off and will just talk ab it behind my back and not ask what’s going on or anything.

I’m going through more shit than most of them , not to say their feelings and problems aren’t valid because that’s not true but I’m still out here helping them when I need help.

But idk how to meet new people. I just want out of this state and to start over somewhere new. But I can’t anytime soon.

(The ppl we met from the highway ig meet new ppl a lot. I’m still sorta in touch w the two guys (who prob just wanna fuck me n that’s why they talked to me) but the other friends that were girls were sooo cool and chill but I didn’t get their contacts or anything )

I just want a new friend group but ofc keep my current friends cuz they aren’t all bad.