Waking up at night and staying up for hours


At least once/week my son is waking up at like 11:30pm and then WILL NOT go back to sleep until 1:30 or 2. He’ll wake up crying and like he’s in pain. If giving him his pacifier and rubbing his back doesn’t work I’ll try to rock him but usually he gets even more upset when I do that. So then I’ll usually give him some Tylenol/Motrin or teething gel and gripe water in case it’s tummy pain... I’ll offer him a bottle but usually he won’t take it.

He’ll scream in my arms, he’ll scream in the crib, & I’m always at a loss for what to do. I’ve tried letting him just cry it out too but that doesn’t work either. Usually after the first hour I’ll go get my husband and then he’ll try rocking and rubbing his back, etc. usually it ends up with our son just being wide awake and wanting to play. After a while he’ll just sit up in his crib and start chatting or if we bring him in bed he climbs all over us or just sits up and talks.

I have no clue what’s going on. He’ll be like inconsolable for an hour and then the second hour he wants to play... and if it hasn’t been at least 2 hrs, he’s not going back to sleep! Lol