Just really sad 😢


I’m just really feeling low and a bit depressed which is really rare for me to feel but normally I feel this once every so often but this time it’s just stayed longer then expected! I just get really upset that I go out all the time and I’m always 7 wheeling with my friends and there boyfriends, I recently got turned down by a guy who I thought like me to bc we always went out and kissed and just have fun with each other ( non sexual) but he took what I said the wrong way about one day being a couple and he thought I meant like today or tomorrow and he turned me down and has stoped talking to me, worse thing is it’s my best friends boyfriends mate and I honestly think if he knows he was just playing me!

Like I know some one will come around one day but 3 wheeling it went to 5 and now I’m on 7 and I just get a bit lonely when the all go out together or girls night turns into me 7 wheeling bc all the bfs wanna come! Just a bit down and lonely just want a friend who understands tbh just really down in the dumps