My mom really fucked me up


Growing up my mom would always tell me stay away from boy there weren’t good for anything. By the time I was 14 if I was out in public and man would tell me something my mom would tell me he was only talking to me bc he wanted sex. Literally it was the 4th of July and we were at firework stand my step dad left his wallet in the car so when he whet get it the guy that work the stand started talking to me and my mom told me he wanted sex. She wouldn’t allowed me wear shorts around my brother cause he looked at me sexually she told me. I never thought it really fucked with me until the 4th of July this year my sister let me get drunk my bf witch is the sweetest man ever. We whet outside started making out it scared the fuck out of me all I could hear was my mom all I could think was he was gonna freak out when I told him stop. Girl should never feel that way. 10 minutes I ask go inside he took me inside but the next morning I was just so fucked up from thinking what I thought