Stopping pills mid pack

Hello everyone! I’m really confused rn, so I think I might need a lil help. So I have been on birth control pills for 6 months. My last period ended on June 8 and I started my new pack right away. I only consumed 2 pills in the new pack and stopped it right away since my partner and I decided to try to have a lil one. On June 16-18 I had a very light spotting and I figured maybe it’s the effect of stopping the pills all of a sudden. My next expected period was supposed to be on July 1st. Had PT twice on July 5th and it came out negative. So I figured to wait another week. Some said my body is adjusting to new cycle but some of my friends got pregnant right away when they stopped pills mid pack and still continuing having unprotected sex. Anybody here experienced the same thing? 😩