4 cm Cyst & No Period & Want a Baby šŸ˜ž


After 3-4 months of lower left pelvic pain, I just found out I have a 4.1 cm cyst on my left ovary. From what I understand, cysts are extremely common and 4 cm is no biggie... maybe on the bigger side of small, but not considered big. So, my doctor wants me to wait 3 more months to see if it goes away on its own. I completely understand not wanting to prematurely operate on something that is expected to in time disappear, but Iā€™m just not sure if my situation/symptoms are typical of a no biggie cyst that should disappear on its own, so thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to find out. Should I just continue in pain to see if it shrinks or grows, or, all things considered, should I get another opinion? Here are the facts, that may or may not be relevant:

-I had a missed miscarriage and D&C on Jan 31st

-Lower left abdominal pain started at least in April if not sooner (thatā€™s just when I became attuned to the pain there)

-I had three normal-ish (heavy and painful) periods post miscarriage (beginning in February), but then they became irregular... my May period was over a week early and my June ā€œperiodā€ was maybe two days of barely any spotting

-My OB prescribed Provera to induce a period since my June period was practically nothing, I was having severe breast pain she thought sounded hormonal, and my cramping was terrible... it didnā€™t work and two weeks later I still havenā€™t started my period...

-While on provera, I started producing milk! Iā€™m not pregnant or breastfeeding, yet I consistently felt (for about a week) my letdown when I would shower or snuggle with my toddler- super bizarre!

-According to my ovulation test strips I started using, I never ovulated in April, May, or June

-My cramping/abdominal pain can now also be felt externally... itā€™s really tender to the touch and feels bruised almost... additionally I just feel bloated and like I can feel a bulge in my tummy

-Iā€™ve been really nauseas

-Sex is painful and the few times weā€™ve tried, Iā€™ve spotted really dark blood afterwards

***Anyways, in summary, Iā€™m concerned about my cyst not so much because of the size, but more so because I havenā€™t gotten my period despite being prescribed provera to induce one, I havenā€™t been ovulating, I was producing milk, and now, my pain has not only worsened, but itā€™s also become more frequent and is also painful on the outside, not just internal cramping. Iā€™ve been extremely nauseous too. I just donā€™t want to wait 3 months in pain to only get more bad news, especially because I want to be pregnant so badly, but obviously canā€™t if Iā€™m not ovulating or getting periods and it hurts to have sex anyways. Canā€™t they monitor the progress sooner than that? 3 months feels like an eternity šŸ˜©