Meal Time

Brittney • Sweet boy 10/19/07. Happily married 08/26/17. Another sweet boy 07/18/18!!

Has anyone else had meal time turn into a complete nightmare lately? Every time we eat Dean has a total meltdown saying “no!” With screaming and crying and trying to fight out of his seat, it doesn’t matter what we feed him, things he’s eaten a million times, now it’s “I don’t like it!” While shoving it away. All he wants is snacks, no meals. It has become so draining. I’m so tired of wasting food, it’s too expensive and it ruins dinner time for the rest of us. We’ve tried everything, reasoning, speaking calmly, timeout, trying to share, eat together, letting him choose what he wants to eat, helping cook it. Nothing works and I’m just at my wits end with it. Please tell me we aren’t alone.