Typical men and their bullshit...

I’ve been talking to this dude for about a month. In that month he’s telling me he really likes me, wants to see where it goes and what not.

I was like uh no let’s just chill out and go slow. Then when he doesn’t like my responses he’ll redirect and say, do you see how you treat me? You see you never liked me, always trying to make me feel bad and him the victim (gaslighting I guess)

Then last weekend I see he was talking to some chick when he went to show me our convo. His response was, she messaged him on IG but he’s not interested in her.

I couldn’t get past how he knew exactly the right charming shit to say and always make himself out to be hurt because I wasn’t opening up to him.

I was like listen that victim shit doesn’t work on me.

Then I go on IG and see this:

Of course he responded and said, “psycho”

Yep, I’m a psycho for not tolerating this premature bullshit. Men like him are charming manipulators!

And this dumbass doesn’t even realize the chick is a catfish 🙄 how can you be so dense?

You have no car, no place of your own, already getting caught in bs...

What was I thinking?