Did the date break us up?

Hiiii I’ve got a question! I probably over reacting about it. But on Friday July 3 me and a guy I’ve been sleeping with since Dec 19 went on a “date” you could say. Which we’ve never done I’ve always gone to his place.

We watched a movie and had dinner afterwards but tbh it was kind of boring/underwhelming (idk how I can describe it. But it made me realise I don’t want anything romantic and he’s not someone I see myself with (I’ve liked him for awhile but didn’t know if I wanted to tell him). Normally we message every day ish, so Tues July 7 I still hadn’t heard from him. So I message and asked how he was he responded a while later and asked me then I responded and he didn’t reply. But he opened my snap hours later. Are we done???😂 if I don’t hear from him till next week should I message him and ask what’s up? I don’t want to seem overbearing but I would just like to know.