Accepting my son


It took me a while to learn to accept I’m pregnant especially since the circumstances of me getting pregnant was by a navy guy that thought it was good idea to sexually assault me while I was heavily intoxicated. But it took me a couple months to understand that this isn’t the baby’s fault, that this is my god blessing to me. With me having extreme anxiety and depression. I’ve had ups and downs of suicidal thoughts and worrying, my husband wasn’t there the beginning of my pregnancy he really disapproved my choice in keeping my baby, we separated for 2 months ( he’s a sailor so deployment) which In all honesty I’m glad we did because I was able to come through and love my baby. I’m 24 weeks pregnant with a baby boy, and I’m a mom of a one year old little girl that is my best friend. I was finally able to give my son a name( Makai ) and my husband suggest we give him my husband’s last name. I know things will be difficult but he is my son and I love him just the same as my little girl and I glad I have him. I am a survivor, my anxiety will always be there no matter what but I’m working on my depression for my children because they do deserve to have a mother.